I just stumbled across an interesting phenomenon, There are LOTS of bloggers out there trading "Follows." I never knew being followed was that important. I thought it was more important to have someone leave a comment on a blog post but I see that I only have one of you that likes to leave comments. (thank you Chad.)
I know I am new at this Blog thing and you may think it's strange that I find this absolutely fascinating. " Hey if you follow me, I'll follow you!" Well, hey, I don't think so buddy. Do I even know you? Are you funny? That might steer me toward reading, because I like funny. ( Disclaimer- Current blogger is not claiming to be funny, only that he likes funny) Wow, the name of the game is having followers huh?
What if my followers are creepy guys (or girls) who do creepy things? Does that make me creepy by association? Hey I can't follow you, you're creepy....And Stop following me! Take off that Clown make-up! It just seems like it would be too easy to find your own personal stalker by pimping out your blog.
It makes me think, there are good people who had/have followers. Jesus has followers. Mohammed, Buddha. Moses had followers back in the day, can you imagine what his blog comments were like? "Are we there yet?", "I'm tired of walking!" , " Dude, we passed that bush an hour ago!", "Get down here, they're building a golden calf!!"
Actually I'm starting to see why Non commenting followers might be a good thing. What I want to know is what is the incentive for me to have an army of blog followers? Do I get a prize? Money? Fame? How About a nifty bumpersticker saying WWTD? What would Tom do? I don't want that, then people would come up to me all the time asking what I would do, that would just make me nervous.
Want to know what I'd do? Read my blog, Follow me, I'll follow you.......no...not really. But if you must follow, please don't follow too closely, and if I hear you say "It puts the lotion in the basket" I'm dropping you.
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