Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trip notes #2

These are the notes from the second leg of the trip, We have landed in Dubai and have a 7 hour layover so we are out seeing some sights and they seem to have the "Worlds Largest" , tallest, greatest and best everything. (I do know the mall had the worlds largest collection of American restaurants.)

12:00 noon- eating at a Lebanese place outside the giant mall (it was actually hard to find non western food)

330pm- board plane for Hyderabad, I have been awake for over 30 hours minus a couple cat naps along the way.... Times like this make me wish I had longer legs. (edit: at the time I think I meant to say shorter legs)

Again the meal on the plane was yummy. Biryani chicken.  (this was the very first of MANY servings of this dish throughout the trip. )

745pm-landing in Hyderabad... We finally made it!

830pm- baggage claim, mad fun, all of our bags made it.

Raja and crew met us outside the terminal with John Ebaneezer, three boys and two little angels bearing hand made floral leis . The leis were hefty, solid and smelled amazing. They were cold when they were on us and felt pretty good on a warm night.

9pm- checked in to the Airport hotel /lounge. It was an interesting place, each room was about two feet wider than the double bed they housed with a cubby for the vanity, toilet and shower stall. We all doubled up.

6am- wake for early flight to Vizag, have breakfast and head to the airport. (We boarded a "Spicejet" and all I could do the whole flight was hum Spice Girl tunes)

830 am - Vizag arrive, our bags all made it. This airport was much less crowded and to be honest I think half of the people there were there to greet us and the other half just wanted to watch. I do know for a fact that the guard with the big gun wanted us to stop blocking the entrance . Josh could tell you what kind of gun it was which by the way is a great conversation to have while waiting to pass through customs.

Met Shakir and Samuel , and was driven to the hotel. Rooms only had one bed again but was switched easily.

The traffic is everything I was told it would be. I'm not sure if it's regional or not but in Vizag it almost seems like the vehicle horn is attached to the brake.

Rooms only had one bed again but was switched easily. (and it must have been important to me because I wrote it twice...)

4pm- church with pastor Samuel. We were picked up and taken through town. There are so many people here and you can probably ride down the same street a hundred times and still not see everything there is to see. It's like ADHD Heaven.

We were served coffee, before services, I'm not a huge coffee fan, especially hot coffee on a hot day but this was absolutely the best coffee I have ever had.

The service started with our introduction and a welcome from Samuel and his congregation.

Worship was simple, everyone sang along with Samuel and there was a guy with a drum machine sitting in a corner making some amazing sounds.

Kevin White preached about Moses and trusting in God enough to do what he asks of you regardless of your perception of yourself and your limitations, Sekhar translated with the same passion as Kevin preached.

Half way through the service there was a black out, they didn't even miss a beat, they spoke louder and broke out the generator.

8pm- bangalese people. From a northern province- (They were part of the Pastor conference that came early because they traveled so far.)  They sang two songs and their voices were amazing.

Price is right music. (during the introductions the drum machine was playing music from the price is right.)

Five languages under 1 roof, one church  (Pretty much says it all, no matter what language you speak, a Christian is a Christian)

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