Friday, August 6, 2010

...notice human nature.

Working on a University campus, I have noticed that for the most part people Don't like to read signs. Hey I'll even take it a step further and just say as humans, we don't really pay attention to anything. But if you try really really hard to sit in a busy area you will see a lot of amusing things happening.

I was going toward the elevators in one of our buildings and I saw this (engraved) sign on the door, "The elevator is out of order, please use an alternate route." If you have been keeping up with past posts then you already know that my brain just fired off in several different directions at once. Why did they word it like that? Did someone get paid by the letter to make this sign? Why didn't they just say "...use stairs"? Now it makes me wonder if the building even HAS stairs. That's strange, I didn't recall seeing ropes or scaffolding hanging from the side of the building. Did I miss a Jet-Pack rental station?

Now to make my point about people not paying attention I will add that while I was walking away from the Sign (which was Bright red and posted directly over the call buttons) two people walked up and pressed the call buttons and waited.

It doesn't matter how big the sign is it will always be overlooked. People are in so much of a hurry these days or so wrapped up in themselves that they don't take in their surroundings anymore. Want proof? Why is a wet floor sign so bright in color and usually stuck out in the middle of the floor?

Just for fun, if you find a door that is locked and has a "please use other door" sign on it, take a seat, watch how many people try the door. Not only will they try the door, they will then try again before they resort to shaking the door and then FINALLY they will actually look at the door and see the sign.

If you continue to pay attention you will notice that we are lazy as well. People would rather step over the guy working on the door rather than open the next available door. (I usually wait till they have one leg in the air over me then I stand. "Oh I am so sorry, I did not see you there.")

Then there are the "Work Harders". These are the people who would rather walk through grass dirt and sometimes mud to go to the other side of the building because that door is always open and they don't have to use their key like they would in the door they parked 10 feet away from.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and afterward someone asks what it was about and you have no idea?

I had a service call when I was working in the dorms the students desk light wouldn't work. When I got there he had the fixture beautifully laid out across the desk like an exploded view straight out of a service manual right down to the last tiny little screw. He explained that he changed the bulb, the starter, checked the ballast and the wiring, He just didn't understand. I told him How impressed I was that he was able to break it down like that and asked if he thought he could put it all back together to which he said, "Of course, I'm an engineering student." I smile and told him I would return in 10 minutes. When I returned I was able to school the Engineering student on the value of electricity and the need to plug the fixture in. It happened at least once a year, Different student of course.

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