Last night I stumbled across a television show that featured three high end bakeries in New York and a few of the custom cakes they were making. I know, this is nothing new, there's at least five other shows out there that cover the same thing. Well, I have a problem with them all.
First of all, Food Service shows kind of give me the creeps. The one last night had about fifteen pairs of hands on one "cake" and there was not a single glove on any of them. They could at least show the people washing their hands on a regular basis. They don't seem to have any issues showing folks running their hands through their hair or putting their hands up to their mouths in horror when something breaks and then diving back into the "cake" for repairs. Maybe fondant is germ resistant.
How much actual cake has to be in these crazy creations before they are not considered cakes any more? I know if I paid four hundred dollars for a cake and I bite into it it better be cake! Rice crispy treat is NOT cake. Great big wads of fondant or modeling chocolate is NOT cake. Wires, wood, Styrofoam, flame throwers, lasers and smoke machine........NOT CAKE.
When did it become a requirement for bakers to have experience in Carpentry and a degree in Electrical Engineering? As cool as all of that stuff looks, I'm still not sure I WANT a robotic cake that has the ability to get up and run away. Next thing you know cakes will be self aware and we wont be allowed to eat them because they will be considered a new life form. When cakes rise up and take over mankind and create human looking cakes to infiltrate the human resistance then we have gone too far!
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