Monday, September 27, 2010


I know you are asking


No matter what the answer is it will

not be good enough

for you

right now.

Know that I AM with you.

I feel your anger

Your confusion.

The pain I feel,

Is yours.

The tears I shed,

are ours.

Know that I AM with you,


Allow me to stay within

Your heart.

To stay within your prayers.

To lift you up, and forever show you


I can not replace what was lost but I can

surround you with the love

of those around you.

Embrace them,

Allow them to help you heal.

Know that he is here with Me

And WE are with you.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

...inspire you.

Would you consider yourself a poet or a story teller? You would be surprised to find out how many people actually have it in them to be decent writers. I know, you just rolled your eyes and said, "Oh man, he's talking poetry. " Well i've got news for you, YOU are the ones who will make the best writers. You are the ones holding it all inside, the emotion, the turmoil, the imagination and the inspiration. Let it all out, put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, I dare you.

If you can string letters together to make words and then string words together to make sentences and paragraphs then you can write poetry. You don't have to be Shakespeare, (Yawn.) Poe or any of the other great poets that bored you throughout highschool. You don't have to be Stephen King, Dan Brown or Bram Stoker to tell a good story. All you need is emotions, feelings, a mind and a thought or an idea.

Have you ever been so mad at a friend that you felt like you needed to write them a letter to tell them everything they did wrong to upset you? Plenty of times, right? How many of those letters did you actually send? If you are still friends I would imagine you didn't send any of them at all. What you probably did was read it after you finished writing it then threw it in the trash and went and talk to the person instead. What about the many love letters you have written? You know you have. Did you send those? Maybe. The emotion wells up inside and it needs an outlet, Write that letter, the reason it never gets sent is that it served it's purpose. After it is written and you read it, you feel a little better.

Every poem I have written has a background. Every one has a reason why it was written, once it is written and the emotion is out it has served it's purpose to me. The magic happens when I watch someone else read it, I see the emotion through their eyes. The writing becomes new again and gains a new purpose in someone elses life.

Stories and Poetry can have an impact on lives. People read to escape, people read to better themselves, to learn, to be inspired, to heal. People write for the same reasons, to inspire, to heal, to show hope, to teach and to document great events. You can do that too. it doesn't have to be a masterpiece and you don't have to be a "Writer", there is no special badge. (but if that is what it takes to get you to write I would be happy to make you a badge.) You just have to know a story or have an idea and go from there.

One of the best books known throughout the world today, The Bible, was written by Shepherds, Soldiers, Kings, Scribes, Fishermen, and even a Tax Collector. Now before getting offended hear me out. It is one of the most powerful collections of stories and poetry ever known. You can not say, (no matter what your belief system is, ) that this one collection of words does NOT affect any one who reads it one way or another.

Also, before you get offended that I called The Bible a collection of poems and stories, please know that I mean that as a good thing. What better way to describe a prayer than as a work of poetry. Just look at The Lords Prayer, Dude, that's a poem. Write it out, it even LOOKS like a poem. (Given to us by a Carpenter). What is a Parable? According to Wikipedia, (-Rolls Eyes-, I know, Right?) a parable is " a brief, succinct story, in prose or verse, that illustrates a moral or religious lesson ." A story, That has an impact on the story teller AND the listener.

I'm Not saying you have to be Jesus or Edgar Allen Poe to tell a good story, or write a good poem, and it doesn't even have to be good. I Promise you if you write it it will have an affect on someone, and you will have inspired that person. (Even if you just write for yourself).

Have fun with it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

...shoot myself in the foot.

I just stumbled across an interesting phenomenon, There are LOTS of bloggers out there trading "Follows." I never knew being followed was that important. I thought it was more important to have someone leave a comment on a blog post but I see that I only have one of you that likes to leave comments. (thank you Chad.)

I know I am new at this Blog thing and you may think it's strange that I find this absolutely fascinating. " Hey if you follow me, I'll follow you!" Well, hey, I don't think so buddy. Do I even know you? Are you funny? That might steer me toward reading, because I like funny. ( Disclaimer- Current blogger is not claiming to be funny, only that he likes funny) Wow, the name of the game is having followers huh?

What if my followers are creepy guys (or girls) who do creepy things? Does that make me creepy by association? Hey I can't follow you, you're creepy....And Stop following me! Take off that Clown make-up! It just seems like it would be too easy to find your own personal stalker by pimping out your blog.

It makes me think, there are good people who had/have followers. Jesus has followers. Mohammed, Buddha. Moses had followers back in the day, can you imagine what his blog comments were like? "Are we there yet?", "I'm tired of walking!" , " Dude, we passed that bush an hour ago!", "Get down here, they're building a golden calf!!"

Actually I'm starting to see why Non commenting followers might be a good thing. What I want to know is what is the incentive for me to have an army of blog followers? Do I get a prize? Money? Fame? How About a nifty bumpersticker saying WWTD? What would Tom do? I don't want that, then people would come up to me all the time asking what I would do, that would just make me nervous.
Want to know what I'd do? Read my blog, Follow me, I'll follow really. But if you must follow, please don't follow too closely, and if I hear you say "It puts the lotion in the basket" I'm dropping you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

...share another.

-Only Time Can Tell-

Full of anger, hatred and despair.

My heart pounds with a will to go on,

but as I sit alone in this dark dreary corner

I want to end it all.

Listen to my heart? Why should I !?

I’ve listened once before, I fell in love!

Now, I lie where I fell and wonder what comes next.

Will it finally end, or can this pain go on forever?

Will I live to love again?

Will I want to take that chance?

My answer is yes!

I want it all.

But who will stop this pain I feel?

Does she even know who she is?

only time can tell, so I will wait.

Full of hope, ambition, and the will to dream.

My heart pounds with a will to go on,

and I listen once more.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

... try something new.

I submit to you that the place I willingly drag myself out of bed so early every morning for, trudging through the sleepy eyed masses of other commuters to get to , is not as much my job as it is a Social Experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong.

Exactly who is responsible for these experiments? The strings attached to me go up at least four more levels before they fade into the darkness that is beyond Upper Management. Like dominoes falling in a row the strings are pulled from above causing the level below to pull, then the next, and so on till I feel myself pulled. I have no strings.

I am pulled away from the thing that I am doing to be given yet another thing to do. I'm told it is because I was doing the last thing so well. I look around the stark room notice there is another person in the room, very much like me but he holds strings. There is nothing attached to his strings. I ask, "He has strings, shouldn't he be doing these important things?" I'm told that his strings are only for show, he never learned how to pull them. I turn back and finish the important things given to me, The Uppers are pleased and they pull strings of appreciation, the pulls stop just above.

Once again I am pulled away from things to go and assist another to finish their things, Luckily his strings are just like mine except they are hanging slack, not held tight like mine. When the strings are slack your feet tend to drag and you move much more slowly. I was beginning to feel the tension of my strings ease a little. The thing is finished and I am now pulled into another room.

The last room is a whirlwind of activity, strong and powerful. As I look around the room I wonder where are the things I'm supposed to be doing? There are no things set aside for me to do. The whirlwind slows to a gale force wind and I finally see the other person standing in the middle, His strings are slack too. Clutched in one hand I see the strings of other workers, he has figured out if his strings are slack he can create tension by pulling down others around him and using their strings to get a step up. He sees me standing there and tries to grab at my strings and pull me down. I jump out of the room safely and fing myself back in my room.

I'm content in my room, it gives me time to think. Am I really here? Am I a lab rat just being moved from one place to the other just to see how I will react? Are the Scientists also the ones pulling the strings or merely observers? Why does it all have to be this way?

Oh well, Time to cut the strings and go home, I'll reattach them adain in the morning.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

... get it all out!

There has been something bothering me about the American mentality for a long time now. Before you start throwing "How dare you's" and calling me names and getting mad, I want to let you know that I am as guilty as the next guy when it comes to the American Mentality.

We are Free, Patriotic, Proud, Honorable, Loving, Protective, Wealthy (comparitavely), Resourceful, Innovative, Friendly, Assertive, Caring, Strong willed, Insensitive, Arrogant, Imposing, Lazy, Carefree, Hateful, Egotistical, and Elitist.

Wow, see how fast that took a turn?

America Is a GREAT country to live in, anyone who has lived in any other country in the world knows first hand how great it is. As a country, we have so many choices of so many things (just count how many Barbeque sauce choices there are at the grocery store.) and we still complain when we can't get what we want.

I would have to say that truly polite people are hard to find. I have a hard time teaching my four year old how to be polite and say "please" and "thank you" when nobody says it out side of our home or his school. I work in the maintenance industry and I can not tell you how many people have stepped on or over me to get through the door way I was working on when there was another door right next to me. Please explain to me the logic that states it is easier to step on and over a person to get through a doorway than it is to just open a door to walk through. When was the last time you ventured out of your comfort zone and stopped to talk to someone you passed on the street? We grumble at each other when we pass, and if we are having a bad day we take it out on the cashier, waitress, houskeeper, or anyone else who works to serve you. Think about how bad a day they have when they have to deal with twenty more rude people after you. Next time take a lesson from these folks and smile back no matter how bad your day is.

How many times in this country have you heard someone say "I deserve" or " It's my Right as an American." Have you ever asked that person if they are an expert on the Constitution? Have they even read it or is it from the Oral History of the American Rights passed down through the family for generations to justify your grievances? How easily we speak up to defend our right to free speech and neglect the Declaration that "All men are created equal." I have to admit, I just looked up the First Amendment and I find it interesting that the Right to free speech is preceded by the Right to Religion.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

You want to complain to the Government then do so, it is your right as an American, but try not to trample someone elses rights in doing so.

I love this country and all that it has given me, but I find myself wondering why I yearn to return to Sicily so much. Maybe it was that as a foreigner I was welcomed there and never judged by where I was from. We could learn from this.

It blows my mind what we actually think is important in our lives, we have so much to be thankful for and yet we still complain. I look at all I have and I consider myself lucky. Do I want more? Of course, it's just the nature of the beast. Do I need more? Certainly not. Could and should I do more to help others? Yes, we all should. THIS should be our right as American Citizens.