Monday, May 16, 2011

remind you, still not Mike.

 We have another entry into the Mike Lang adventure. I have to say it is a very good name, maybe one day I can use it in one of the stories that are stuck in my head.

Know that I am not Mike Lang

I chose an address on Gmail

Then Suddenly…


“Hey Mike Lang, how doth it hang?”

I have been flooded with posts that used to amuse me,

But the more I peruse these

The more they confuse me…

Mike Lang my friend you lead an interesting life.

Your friends send pictures

That drive my wife

To question me.

How can this be? Who is she?

Why wont they let you be?

I have found the answer

And I hope you see.

Mike Lang is Jabberwolky,


Please do me the honor of setting me free

And remove the address that belongs to me.

-- Well, his friend did respond this time and now that I'm having fun with this I'm afraid I might actually succeed in getting off the mailing lists. Maybe they can just keep me on but use my real name. Or (Not Mike) HA!

response: "Our profound apologies Mr. D. A finely worded and entertaining heads up. ;)"    Dude, that's my best review EVER!

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